What comes to mind when we hear the words ‘Golden Rule’? For many people, especially the younger Generation Z there is no defined response. There is a prevailing lack of…
Kesiapan Pengamanan Pemilu Tahun 2024, Lanal Bengkulu Laksanakan Apel Gelar Kelengkapan
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TNI AL, Bengkulu- Dalam rangka Kesiapan Pengamanan Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu), Prajurit Lanal Bengkulu mengikuti Apel Gelar Siaga Pengamanan Pemilu Legislatif dan Pemilu Presiden Tahun 2024 di Lapangan Apel Lanal Bengkulu,…
Thousands of West Java Children Celebrate the Anniversary of the Visions of Peace Initiative
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The Visions of Peace Initiative (VOPI), the Indonesian NGO that focuses on promoting the lessons of tolerance and civility to youth ages 5 to 18, inaugurated its 6th anniversary year…
WARAPSARIPOS.COM-JAKARTA-The Visions of Peace Initiative launched a peace-themed book entitled “The Art of Peace.” This book is a tribute to the thousands of participants in the Visions of Peace Initiative…